Did You Know?

  • Do you know that before an egg is laid, it gets hardend, then rotated and comes out blunt end first?
  • It has been said that the loud crow of a rooster has the same amout of decibles as a passing train!
  • Happy chickens will follow their owners around like puppies. They will be near you when you are working outdoors.
  • It is not necessary to have a rooster for a chicken to lay eggs.
  • Chickens start laying anywhere from five to six months of age, and their eggs are very small at first.
  • Chickens are not vegetarians. They will eat frogs, mice, crickets, fly larva, spaghetti, french fries, pancakes, and yogart.
  • And many other leftovers that are not moldy from your refrigerator. They even eat scrambled eggs!
  • There is no difference in protein and health values between a brown egg or a white egg.
  • White chickens do not produce white eggs. Some varieties do, most do not. There are more brown egg laying hens than white egg layers.
  • Many first time chicken owners allow their chickens to run free and range in their yards.  This is a huge mistake. Why?
  • What animal is the number one killer of chickens?
  • The dog. 

A Poem

A Peck of Peckers

Peter Piper picked a peck of six peckers. They were babies. After a while, Peter Piper put the peckers in a pecker house. Peter Piper named the six peckers: Patricia, Portense, Phoebe, Prudence, Philomena, and Paula. There the six peckers – Patricia, Portense, Phoebe, Prudence, Philomena, and Paula pecked Peter Piper persistently when he fed them purple petunias!

Peter Piper’s friend, Porter, playfully prattled to him that he had to feed his peckers, those being Patricia, Portense, Phoebe, Prudence, Philomena, and Paula the best pecker feed available, probably at the pecker store that sold him them there six peckers.

Patricia, Portense, Phoebe, Prudence, Philomena, and Paula did not peck Peter Piper when he fed them proper pecker feed.

Peter Pipers’ friend, Porter also patiently reminded Peter Piper to provide, pure, clean, pleasing, fresh water to the peckers, Patricia, Portense, Phoebe, Prudence, Philomena, and Paula not once in a while when he felt like it, but every day and sometimes twice and thrice in the summer.

Perhaps Peter Piper listened to Porter and put pecker feed and pure water, painstakingly every day in the pecker feeder where all peckers are pleased to peck. And, that of course would be hanging properly, and securely in Patricia’s, Portense’s, Phoebe’s, Prudence’s, Philomena’s, and Paula’s outdoor pecker pen!

Patricia, Portense, Peobe, Prudence, Philomena, and Paula!